Friday 31 July 2015

SAFETY TIPS: 10 Driving Distractions to Avoid

Good morning to every Naija Auto Manager readers, drivers in particular. 
We may be wondering what does Driving Distraction mean? It is an act of driving while engaged in other activities; and majority of vehicle drivers (both light & heavy duty) in this part of the world are guilty of the prevailing menace caused by driving distractions.

Every day, more than 100 people are engage in vehicle related crashes across the country (source - FRSC), and 90% of all crashes are caused by driver error. Being distracted behind the wheel is dangerous to yourself, your vehicle, and others.

Preventative maintenance is important for keeping your vehicle safely on the road, but just as important is a safe driving practice!

Below are 10 major driving distractions we engage ourselves on a daily basis as a result of oversight, over-confidence or negligence. 

1. Cell phones – Wireless devices are the number one culprit for distracted driving. Over 25% of all crashes involve cell phone use. From phone calls to texts, pinging to selfie captions on smart phones and tablets. The use of these devices and their various functions while driving can be dangerous, it is advisable to avoid them until we are off the wheels.

2. Passengers – Talking to or interacting with passengers can pull your focus, especially young children. Ask your passengers to respect your role and help you concentrate on the roads. Concentration is very important for your safe driving.

3. Internal distractions – Looking for a CD, reaching for food, retrieving a fallen object. There are many things inside your car that take your focus away from the road ahead. Always ensure to tidy up every necessary thing inside the car before setting on the road.

4. Adjusting controls – Reprogramming radio stations, adjusting the dashboard, A/C and mirrors settings while driving can also distract your attention while driving. Try to set up the accessories and controls inside your vehicle before you head out.

5. Personal Hygiene – If you’re running late to your work or an engagement, it is not advisable to finish dressing up in the car. Some of us take the advantage of road traffic to apply make-up, using an electric razor for a last minute shave and checking our refection in the mirror. This can be dangerous; it is advisable we do the final touch of our dressing when we are not driving.

6. Food – Eating at the wheel is another bad driving habit; from opening a bottle La Casera to unwrapping a roll of Gala. Reaching for food in the bag to your mouth takes at least one hand off the steering wheel, this can be dangerous especially when something emergence happen and you need to steer the wheels as fast as possible with your two hands.

7. External distractions – This is another habit that needs to be adjusted by ‘external distracted drivers’ (Lagos LOOKers). They tend to look everything they see on the road; from billboards to pedestrians and even vehicle driving in opposite direction, you can be just as distracted outside of the car. Save the people watching it for you when you’re in the driver seat.

8. Talking – Boredom in the car can lead you to sing along with the radio or talk to yourself. Just don’t become your concentration’s own worst enemy. Try not to be carried away with the rhythm of the music.

9. Smoking – Rolling down windows to fix your nicotine desire can be dangerous, by occupying one hand from lighting the cigarette to tossing the butt-end. Driving under the influence of drug is not advisable.

10. Day-dreaming – Not paying attention to the roads ahead is risky. It takes only 2 seconds of distraction for an accident to occur. Always pay attention to the road and don’t over-speed on roads you are not familiar with.

Avoid multitasking behind the wheel and put away all distractions before you hit the road.

Your safety is everyone’s safety; let us be committed to safe driving on our roads wherever we are in Naija.


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